Vision Statement: “Florida's Electrical Industry Leader”
Mission Statement: Our mission is to create an environment of mutual growth and recognition of all facets of the Electrical Industry and to promote the Common Good.
ECF is a non-profit trade association, owned entirely by its members. ECF's primary purpose is to unify and strengthen all segments of Florida's electrical industry. While some segments have problems and goals that are unique to their individual discipline, most segments have many common goals which can reached through communication and working together. ECF was started in 1961 by a core group of 22 individuals with a goal of unifying the highly fragments industry. ECF can help promote harmony and cooperation within the Electrical Industry. Even today, ECF is the only association that has members from every part of the industry. Because we have a broad range of diverse members, ECF can interact with the membership and serve as a catalyst when communications break down between the various groups. ECF can offer a 'safe haven' for dialogue and can work to resolve the problems that occur from time to time. ECF is committed to encouraging and supporting education and continuing education for all of its members, large or small. ECF promotes and encourages members to attend FREE continuing education programs and offers classes throughout the year at State meetings to make the 14 hours of CEU training available at no charge. ECF is sensitive about legislative and regulatory issues and has always taken a middle of the road position to avoid impacting any segment of its membership unfairly. When issues develop that harmful to the industry, ECF is quick to summon support and to work with the elected officials to provide them with information and an explanation of why what they are proposing is harmful to the industry and its customers. | ECF promotes and encourages Safety on the Job Site. Several different programs are available to members to help them understand OSHA laws and other safety issues. ECF is committed to collecting and disseminating information that will help members be better business professionals. The ECF website is available to all members of the association and is a very helpful tool with information about upcoming events, recent legislative activity and changes. ECF local chapters provide monthly opportunities for net working, educational updates and speakers. They host social events and outings and many have annual product showcases to help keep members 'up to speed' on new developments that could impact your business or way of life. Local chapter meetings also give members a place to go for local issue problem solving. Working your way through a 'problem' with others from your industry can save you thousands of dollars. ECF Continues to monitor legislative activity and to disseminate information to the members. ECF encourages the members to 'get to know' their local representatives and to stay informed about what's happening at the local events. ECF has a full time staff who are here to assist you in any way. They help plan educational activities, state meetings and work with the ECF State leadership to provide quality programs and services to the membership. ECF is education, information, but most importantly ECF is people. Just like you and me, people who earn their living in the electrical industry. People who want to learn more, do a better job and take pride in their craft. More on Why You Need ECF... |